Visitors are always welcome to worship with

Visitors are always welcome to worship with us.

We meet on Sundays at 9:30 AM and 5:30 PM.

Here are a few answers to some questions you might have if you visit.

What should I wear?

We have a wide range of clothing that we wear to our worship services. There are people dressed in their "Sunday best," people who dress casually with jeans, and all sorts in between. Those who dress in their nicest clothes do so because for them it is giving their best to God. Those who dress casually do so because they have casual personalities. For them, wearing fancy clothes would make them feel fake or inauthentic and they believe it is important to not be fake with God. Whatever you decide to wear, make it what you would wear if you were going to meet Jesus Christ face to face.

What is the worship style?

We are mostly traditional, but are slowly incorporating newer worship songs. The organ, piano, and keyboard accompany the singing. There are teams of singers who lead songs on Sunday mornings. Overhead screens are used to project the words of worship songs as well as key points of the sermon. Sermon outlines are usually included in the bulletins so note-takers can fill in the blanks as the main points appear on screen. Everyone is encouraged (not required, of course!) to bring their own Bible or "personal teacher" to church with them, to make notes in them, and become familiar with the Bible they have at home. There are pew Bibles available for use also.

Am I expected to put money in an offering plate?

No. If you are visiting with us, we are glad to have you as our guest. We are not after your money. Nobody will frown at you or think less of you for simply passing the offering plate on to the next person down your row. If you do have some money that you would like to contribute, you are welcome to do so. But no donation is expected.

I walk in the door, then what?

When you walk in the main entrance, you will likely see many smiling faces and hear conversation among friends. Straight ahead is our sanctuary with rows of benches (called pews). Ushers are at each of the three aisles to help you find a seat. (It is a good idea to arrive ten minutes early so you can easily find a good seat. The earlier you arrive, the more likely you are to find a seat you want.) The usher will offer you our Sunday bulletin as you go to sit down. Inside the bulletin is the "Order of Worship" that lists everything that will take place. A pink sheet inserted inside lists the week's items for prayer. Usually there will be a white sheet inserted which is the sermon outline with places to fill in blanks and take notes.

Music will be playing (called the "Prelude") that helps get us in a God-centered mindset. Once the music stops the pastor will stand and say, "Good morning," to which everyone seated will respond, "Good morning." We usually stand to sing, but this will be announced. We may have responsive readings. Those will be on the screen and labeled for who is supposed to say what.

After the final song (the "Doxology"), everyone exits the sanctuary. The pastor and elders will shake hands with everyone as they exit. After morning worship, everyone is welcome to go downstairs for coffee, cookies and punch.

We hope to see you soon!